The Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen has long been the central and end-care hospital for all of Eastern Switzerland and, as a university teaching and research hospital, has a correspondingly important role as a central hospital. The regional hospitals in Grabs, Linth, and Wil ensure basic healthcare provision for the rest of the canton.
After extensive desk and field research, Brandpulse developed various options for the brand architecture and brand strategy of the future corporate brand. By consolidating under one umbrella brand and the corresponding organizational structure, the aim is to achieve synergies, reduce redundancies, and standardize quality standards. Following the decision to adopt an overarching umbrella brand, a workshop with key decision-makers led to the selection of the naming strategy. Based on this, Brandpulse developed various naming options.
The chosen name emphasizes the strong regional connection to Eastern Switzerland. The acronym “HOCH” is composed of “H” for “Health” and “OCH” for Eastern Switzerland (Ostschweiz) thus becoming the unified, overarching corporate brand for the internal and external presence of the new hospital organization. Moreover, the name should highlight the core tasks of the new company and what it stands for: local basic healthcare, highly specialized medicine, as well as innovation and research. Simultaneously, the name signals that the new company acts with a future orientation and wants to continue growing – in terms of both its geographical radius and range of services. The choice of English for “Health” emphasizes innovation power and international connections, which are particularly important for medical staff and research. With this modern approach, the company aims to build a bridge between tradition and progress, positioning itself as Eastern Switzerland’s largest healthcare partner.
Based on field research, which included numerous interviews with key decision-makers, Brandpulse developed the brand positioning and brand promise. The Brandpulse Brand Mantra Model ultimately defined the brand idea, service promise, brand values, and brand personality. At the center of the new brand is the central brand promise of being “responsible and committed to first-class healthcare in Eastern Switzerland.” Special attention was given to the target groups of patients, employees, and referring physicians. Since the value proposition has a different focus and relevance depending on the target group, it was broken down into specific themes (employee interests, patient needs, future of healthcare, regional significance of healthcare provision). This was then distinctively developed in the Brand Mantra as a modular framework, serving as a basis for communication hierarchies.
Subsequently, Brandpulse developed the brand design concept with the basic brand elements of logo, typography, colors, shapes, imagery, and layout principles. The detailed brand design concept defines guidelines for communication touchpoints and establishes rules for digital applications, print, out-of-home, and signage.