The health market is currently undergoing noticeable change. Like many other companies, Pharmavital with its well-developed partner network and more than 60 member pharmacies faces the challenges of digital change.
Pharmavital excels by acting quickly and inexpensively on behalf of its member pharmacies – aiming to deliver the best Medical Convenience solutions. For this to remain as is, Pharmavital needs an innovative and forward-looking branding. Brandpulse works out a comprehensive brand analysis for Pharmavital in regards to the target groups’ expectations and needs as well as the potential to differentiate the company from other groups of pharmacies. Based on the results, Brandpulse derives a trendsetting, differentiating promise of performance and determines the future brand structure as well as the brand portfolio.
The challenges of the health market have a decisive influence on the visual appearance of Pharmavital: the company is seeking a powerful signal effect, professionalism and differentiation from competitors through a high degree of innovation. Brandpulse develops the new Pharmavital appearance based on the previously defined promise of performance, including a new logo, and implements the brand design within various sub-concepts: stationery and forms, brochures, special offers, newsletter, POS communication, labelling and digital.