
The B2B business does not need a brand – true or false?!

“Branding is only for large companies” was the loud opinion of many small and medium-sized companies just 15 years ago. This common misperception of some companies can only be attributed to the fact that the task and function of a brand were simply not recognized at that time. Today, most industries and companies have understood the concept of the brand and its influence on corporate success. Target met, one might think, if only there weren’t the numerous B2B providers who still understand the brand as a pure B2C vehicle.

What many B2B providers still underestimate: Anyone who has customers and faces competition needs to know which arguments differentiate them from their competitors. And they must know how to present themselves attractively to their customers. Because in the purchasing department of the B2B customer there are no robots, but people who come into daily contact with thousands of desirable brands.

From modern brand and user experience research, we know that people today tend to subconsciously compare a vast variety of providers in a vast range of industries. The boundaries between B2B and B2C are disappearing. The reasons for this are the increasing convenience orientation of the customer, the easy access to information, the increasing shortage of time and the 24/7 availability: the showroom is always open. Classic B2B sales processes and advantages are a thing of the past in the digital age.  The new motto is B2All! The result: Hilti is compared to BMW, Implenia to Sunrise and Lyreco to Tesla. Brave new world!

Is your B2B brand ready for such a comparison? Is it based on a strong brand promise, which provides you with a clear positioning within the competitive environment? Does your brand image meet the high aesthetic demands of your customers? Do you present yourself as a reliable and serious player within the market, or is it obvious that you don’t take brand management very seriously? Will your customer touchpoints like the website, the online shop, the newsletters, the showroom and much more meet the new challenges regarding convenience, availability and depth of information?

If your answer is “no” to any of these questions, then it is about time to get involved in the topic of brand management. Because only the brand can help you to pertinently and clearly distinguish yourself in the increasingly tough competitive environment and in the mixture of B2C and B2B worlds and to influence your image in a sustainable and positive way.

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