Start-up Branding
Start-up Branding

Dear Start-ups, don’t forget your brand!

Many Swiss start-ups pay little attention to the topic of branding. At first glance, this is understandable. After all, it is important to get the new product idea onto the market as quickly as possible. Thus all available resources are used for product development. Then there is the quick reservation of a URL and the programming of a reasonably priced website. And your company is ready to conquer the market. This corresponds to the expectations of the investors and the enthusiasm of young entrepreneurs.

However, a lot of start-ups forget one thing: If you want to sell your product on the market, you need to know the brand promise that wins over target groups and outperforms your competitors. And you need to know that only a professional market presence creates credibility and trust in our age of global comparability.

Unfortunately, many start-ups still do not realize that a sound brand strategy, comprehensive brand protection and a professional brand presence are just as important for a successful product launch as product performance itself. “Marketing is hot air, and that is what we do not need”, is the most heard opinion of many techies who lift the product idea to the measure of all things. But, dear techies, brand development is not marketing.

In the “home country” of the start-up scene you never hear that preconception. This is because in Anglo-Saxon countries brand development has been recognized as a core element of the product development process. The result: innovative product ideas paired with relevant brand promises and attractive brand presences. Whether B2C or B2B. Uber, Airbnb, Casper, Salesforce, Wework and many more send their regards.

Isn’t it about time that the Swiss start-up scene and their investors realize the potential and recognize the value of a strong brand?

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