
Uniquely different thanks to clear positioning

The Employer Branding Balmer-Etienne marks a turning point: As a leading Swiss company in trust, audit and consulting services, Balmer-Etienne embraces a new brand strategy. In collaboration with Brandpulse, a dynamic brand presence emerges to enhance employer attractiveness.

The market of fiduciaries and auditors as well as tax and legal advisors faces various challenges: The increasing market pressure leads to a growing displacement and thus to a consolidation of the industry. Awareness for the necessity of strong brands has therefore grown. With dynamic brand appearances and emotionalized communication, especially international players prove that the increase of relevance and attractiveness of the brand has become an issue within the industry. As a consequence, various industry studies show that brand strength and brand awareness of a provider are decisive for the recommendation to potential customers.

In a comprehensive brand analysis, Brandpulse examines the dynamics of the market environment, trends, customer expectations and needs and other challenges faced by Balmer-Etienne. In workshops with Balmer-Etienne’s management and partners, the differentiation potentials as a basis for the brand strategy are subsequently worked out. Balmer-Etienne repositions itself as a competent provider for fast entrepreneurial solutions within the areas of fiduciary services, auditing and consulting. The brand appearance that Brandpulse developed for Balmer-Etienne embodies the new positioning “We see things a little differently.” and differentiates Balmer-Etienne within the competitive environment. Brandpulse revises the existing logo in an evolutionary manner, develops a new corporate design with a new pictorial world and color spectrum and implements the branding in all its manifestations: stationery, templates, building signage, corporate media (image brochure, service flyer, customer magazine), internal branding (brand book, corporate film, employee event and other measures), image poster campaign, give-aways, website and design guidelines.

Balmer-Etienne now presents itself as a dynamic, emotional brand with a great reputation within the industry. The new brand identity will be launched with a poster campaign. In this campaign, the brand differentiates itself from its competitors with concise subjects of images and text and the statement: “We are Balmer-Etienne. We see things a little differently.”