The value of a strong brand in today’s fast-paced business world should not be underestimated. Winning and retaining customers is notoriously difficult. Bringing companies together – strategically, culturally and from a branding perspective – is a complex task. Today, the brand encompasses the core offering and values of a company and has a significant impact on the performance of a merged entity. Transaction parties must consider the strategic and operational implications of their brand decisions for M&A success.
Brands are intangible assets that are typically not reflected on the balance sheet. Therefore, they are rarely the focus of a specific due diligence review. Marketing is usually not involved in the M&A process prior to the purchase and brand value is seldom assessed. However, brand equity is a crucial element of successful integration, and brand strategy is key to conveying a clear vision for the future – internally and externally.
When announcing the strategic reasons for mergers and acquisitions, a well-thought-out concept for the future brand strategy should be in place. This concept forms the basis for the integration strategy and sets the direction from the outset. The success of the integration and the future of the combined company may depend on it.
Pre-Transaction: Brand Due Diligence
Post-Transaction: Brand Assessment
Brand Architecture & Brand Portfolio
Brand Strategy
Brand Positioning & Value Proposition
Brand Development or Brand Vitalization
Brand Management
Brand Controlling